Thursday, July 15, 2010

Where it all began:

My mom always praised us kids, not for cleaning our plates, but for stopping when we were full. I am thankful that she never said, "Clean your plate". Even though I didn't see it as a big deal she marvelled at my ability to turn down dessert. Sweets weren't my thing. In my teen years I thought I had my weight under control. I could easily cut back when I noticed my jeans were a little snug. I ran with the cross country team during highschool and it helped to burn off extra calories. During highschool I began working at a restaurant and received a $5 employee meal and had unlimited access to fountain drinks for every 4 hours I worked. After graduation I joined the Navy. I was 5'4'' and 120 lbs. During my time in the military I was able to maintain a healthy weight and continued running. After the birth of my first child at age 23 I didn't lose all my babyweight before I was expecting my second child. My second child was born the beginning of July and that November I was able to attend the Marine Corps ball with a size six formal dress (breastfeeding really helped with weightloss). I maintained a good weight and became pregnant with my third child about a year later. The weight did come off afterwards, but it was a little slower. I was going through a divorce and that also helped in my weight-loss efforts. I met my husband when My third was a year old and I was at a healthy weight. I was instructing water aerobics at a fitness center and continuing to run. Sometime between getting married, buying a house, and life I began gaining weight. It was the sneak up on you kind of gain. My jeans were too tight!

I struggled to keep the weight down, but it was getting harder. I became pregnant with baby #4 in the spring of '07 and didn't care if I gained weight. I ate whatever I wanted, I figured I'd lose it after I had the baby (like I did with the others). I really struggled to get my weight down and if my memory serves me right I think I managed to get down to 140 lbs. In the late summer of '09 I became pregnant with baby #5 and again capitalized on the big baggy clothes and a great excuse to have a big belly. Near the end of my pregnancy I was a few pounds shy of 200!!! I had her the day before Easter and did lose about 20 lbs. and not changing anything at all. At about 180 my weight hit a wall and I realized that I was going to have to actually work to get it off. It was time to pay the piper.

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