Thursday, October 28, 2010

Maintenance or plateau

So, my last post was about a month ago and I was at 160 lbs. and that's where I am today. I guess I could say that I've reached the maintenance level, but I'm far from where I'd like to be. I've got a box of "skinny" clothes waiting for me in the closet and a half opened box of "on the way to skinny clothes". I'm at that awkward stage where my size 14 jeans are really starting to hang off my hips, but the 13's are just a little too tight for my liking (I do like to breathe). I feel most comfy in my stretchy athletic pants, they fit me just right.
I'm continuing to have my ups and downs. My exercise routine is consistent right now and I've managed not to get sick for a month (YIPPEE). I enjoy eating healthy food and then I enjoy eating junk too.
I'd really like to crank things up a notch and get down to 150, so maybe this week I'll take a serious look at my caloric intake and make sure I'm getting in my 5 mini meals and push a little harder during my exercise, you know, turn it up a notch.
Nothing to exciting, just some goals and somewhere in here the determination to reach them.

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking about you when I read an anouncement at Lysa TerKeurst's blog about a FREE on-line webcast she's going to be offering called "Made to Crave." Her book, by the same title, is due in Jan 2011, but she's been writing a lot on her blog recently about her weight loss journey and the connection she made to her spiritual life. I <3 Lysa TerKeurst, so I'm excited to glean from her experience. Check it out!! It would be neat to watch the webcasts together and talk about them!!
