Friday, August 6, 2010

In the throes of desperation

I definitely feel like I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. I am stuck at 170#s. I don't like my clothes, they are uncomfortable and they make me "look" fat. The kids are pestering me, and the toddler keeps getting up from his nap and the baby is fussy.

I am thankful that at least my weight is not going back up, but I would like to see it drop some more, you know, letting me know that I'm getting somewhere. I thought that maybe I'd just not look at the scales for at least a week, but to be honest, I'm afraid that if I do that I'll come back a week later and be another 5-10#s heavier.

I've done my strength training once this week and I can feel it working.

I liken my issue to that of the Israelites after they left Egypt. I'm sure that when they first left they felt victorious and strong and free, but then that journey started taking its toll on them. How long was it going to take anyway. I wonder who would have signed up for the journey had they known it was going to take 40 years and even then some of them weren't going to even see the promised land.

So, here I am, out in my desert, depriving myself of the "feel good" foods.

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