Friday, August 27, 2010

whole wheat bread and random thoughts

I used to hold the opinion that whole wheat bread was healthy, but as I have followed the Diet Solution Program I have learned different. I now use Ezekiel 4:9 bread, it is made from sprouted grains, lentils, and legumes. I also have traded in the whole wheat pasta for brown rice pasta, and made a really yummy salmon casserole with it the other day. I have replaced sugar with stevia and occasionally honey, agave syrup, and real maple syrup. I'm gradually cutting out processed cheese products and going for aged and natural cheeses. I am learning to cook dramatically different than I used to and I am amazed at how flavorful food can be without the extra junk. And loaded with fresh herbs, seasonings, vegetables and meats, this food really hits the spot, it is delicious and I don't feel the need to over indulge. In contrast, maccaroni & cheese, chocolate chip cookies, alfredo, garlic bread are just a few examples of foods that once I start I have a really hard time stopping (perhaps it's because nutritionally there isn't anything there and so the brain sends the signal, "nope, we need more, we aren't getting enough of what we need."

I went to the grocery store last night and just had to get a package of Manager's Special sugar cookies. I probably ate half the package (yeah, for sure, what the heck was I thinkin'". After the last cookie I felt really sick to my stomach (now why should it take getting sick to your stomach to stop stuffing your face???) HELLO!!!

This evening Hubby made supper, scrambled eggs, sliced ham, and french toast. He made me a piece of french toast and I thought, "well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to have a piece of whole wheat bread," and then I had a second. I felt really bloated afterwards and wished I'd gone to the trouble of making french toast with my sprouted grain bread. I really had taken for granted how much easier it is for my body to have the sprouted grains, and I am reminded to stay away from the other stuff.

Inspite of all of my cheat days and jumping off the wagon I am down to 165 lbs.

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