Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday August 8, 2010

This morning before church hubby and I split a large cookie before finding our seats in the sanctuary. I admitted that it had been at least a month since I'd had sugar and that I could have easily gone back over to the table and gobbled down some more cookies, and donuts too. I explained that, it was the main reason that I chose not to eat sugar.

Later in the day I reflected on the incident and also on the message that I'd heard at church today. The message wasn't about parenting, but something about it paralleled parenting.

I really love it when the simple things in life bring meaning and understanding to those things that seem so far out of reach or unattainable.

Just as I train and disciple my children, Christ is doing the same for me. He loves me and sees the road ahead of me that I cannot see. He wants me to trust Him and obey Him, even when things don't make sense to me (that's what trust is).

So, what does this have to do with my weight loss....a lot. I'm not seeing results, I'm stuck at 170#s. So do I throw the whole thing out and go back to my old ways (Egypt is calling to me). I believe that my heavenly father has something to say. He wants my attention. Perhaps He wants me to stop worrying about the scales and to trust Him and to continue following the path that I am on toward health and weight-loss. I am reminded that this journey that I am on is not just about health and weight-loss, it goes much deeper to my relationship with Him (as everything in life does) will I entrust these issues to my savior and follow Him or will I go my own way.

Also, will I obey whole-hearted or reluctantly. Will I try to test the boundaries and see how much I can "cheat" without getting burned, or will I strive towards excellence toward the prize. It comes down to issues of the heart, where is my heart. Is my heart and soul longing after intimacy with my savior or after the next high of a sugar glazed donut.

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