Sunday, September 26, 2010


10 to fifteen years ago 160 lbs. would not have been a weight I would have been excited about, but right now it's not to bad, and it's a whole lot better than 190 lbs.

So that's what I was this morning when I weighed-in. It's been at least a week since my last weight check. This week has been better. I really learned from my mistakes from last week-end. Friday night I made up a breakfast casserole for Saturday morning before soccer games. We didn't have any plans to go anywhere, we just did some fall cleaning and organizing. I got in an afternoon jog today and it was a great day to be outside; temperature was perfect, the sun was shining, a light breeze, what more could I ask for. I'm good and tired, I think I'll turn in early.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

the results of a poorly planned weekend

The weekend came before I knew it and I had a couple of things on my planner that I wanted to do as a family. We had soccer games both Friday night and Saturday morning. My favorite store was having their 50% off sale (it only happens 4 times a year). The parks and recreation were offering a free weekend to try out outdoor sports and the Irish festival was going on all weekend.

Just curious, does this sound like to much? Would you have attempted to do all of the above, or would you have picked your 2 favorites?

Well, since I am Ms. Incredible I decided we were gonna do it all, and we did, but not without a lot of regret.

Our first mistake was not packing a lunch and water bottles for the outdoor experience, and that leads me to our next mistake, not having cash on us to purchase food and water at the outdoor experience. The third mistake was that we parked at the park entrance and walked to the main event (that left little energy to do fun stuff, and we still had to hike back to our vehicle a mile +) We did get to try out a few of the sports, but had to cut our adventures short so that we could leave the park and get food, which brings me to the fourth mistake and the reason why I'm putting this whole entry on my food journal. What do most people eat when they are in a hurry, don't want to spend a lot of money, and have limited options? the answer is probably most often fast food, so that's what we had.

After wolfing down a burger and some chicken nuggets we headed to the Goodwill and spent a couple of hours rummaging through clothes for the whole family. We were leaving as they were closing the store, and that leads me to mistake number 5: Without anything quick to make at home we stopped and picked up a couple of frozen pizzas (yeah, real quick. We had to pre-heat the oven and then wait another 10 minutes, and then another 10 minutes because the kids ate the first pizza.

I don't remember what time I went to bed, but the next morning started to early, and with more unhealthy food choices; coffee cake and cinnamon bread. We were going to go to the early service at church, but didn't make it and then found out that in order to get into the festival for free we needed to be there by 11:30 with a food donation. (That would have have been mistake #6).

We made it to the festival with little time to spare and tried to make the best of our $60. Does $60 seem like a lot to you, it does to me, especially when all we bought was 3 kids meals (hot dog, chips), tenderloin sandwich, salad w/chicken & cranberries, roast beef sandwich, 1 beer, 3 corn beef sandwiches, popcorn, 3 soda pops, and 1 lemonade.

On the way home, it was late again so we opted to stop and grab something for supper, we were a little smarter and got Subway and only got the $5 foot longs.

Upon arriving home I nursed the baby and then put on my running gear, I was not going to let the week-end be a total waste. Hubby fed the kids and I headed out to the trail.

My jog redeemed my pitiful week-end. I was energized and I jogged the entire stretch (roughly 3 miles) it got dark while I was out there, but the weather was nice and cool and the exercise helped me to sort out my frustrations and disappointments.

Hind sight, Hubby and I would have gotten a sitter for the kids and gone. We would have spent the same amount on a sitter, and the kids were constantly reminding us how bored they were and asking us to "buy them this, and buy them that", and then we could have had some much needed couple time. I also would have liked to have packed some of our food, so that I had the option to eat healthy, and that would have saved us money as well. In addition, if I'd had our evening meals in the fridge ready to eat when we got home.

Next week-end I'm going to work at being better prepared, so that I'm not so regretful.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


So, after my workout on Monday I felt fine, but sometime Tuesday afternoon I started developing a headache, and if you know me, I get a lot of headaches and they consume me. I took some hydrocodone and hubby helped with the kids so I could try to relax and fall asleep. I woke up this morning, and was so rudely greeted by my headache. "This is not the way to start a day."

When you feel crummy, eating healthy isn't usually on the forefront of your mind, getting rid of your ailment and feeling better in the meantime are most important.
A breakdown of what I ate today, 3 grands biscuits with butter and syrup and milk, a smoothie, 6 Oreo cookies ( I would have eaten more, but there were only 3). 2 sugar cookies from the deli, and frozen pizza (I don't know how many slices, probably to many).

So, what does this mean: It means we all have bad days. I can sum this up as a bad day and start anew tomorrow. This is a lifestyle change for me, and I need to work on a solution to making my "sick days" healthy too. It has been a learning experience for me, letting me know that when things get "rough" I have trouble pulling through and revert back to old tendencies.

I plan on coming up with a back-up plan and a stash of healthy quick foods for those times that I am sick or don't have time to make a healthy meal.

I also think with the help of my massage therapist I have pin-pointed the culprit of my headache. Before strength training my upper body I am not warming up the muscles and so then as I work the muscles they aren't ready and I end up hurting them. The shoulder and neck muscles end up tightening and then cause my headache. So the next time I do my strength training I'm going to warm up the upper body.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Oreos or Oatmeal

Laying in bed watching Diary of a Foodie and wanting to drift off to sleep, but my stomach is roaring at me, "feed me". I head to the kitchen but I'm to tired to make anything, so I go back to bed. My stomach keeps nagging at me. I reflect on what I've eaten today: Egg salad on toast for breakfast and milk, almond butter sandwich for lunch, protein smoothie after my workout, grilled chicken and vegetables for supper. Not the greatest assortment, but I'm still needing to get to the store and I'm completely out of salad mix and fruit. I probably haven't eaten enough today, so this hunger is real.

Back to the kitchen, and I find some leftover oatmeal, so I mix in some walnuts, frozen blackberries (the very last ones, like 5), raw milk, agave syrup. As I was heating it up on the stove I noticed Oreo cookies on the top shelf of the pantry, "nah, they won't hit the spot...they'll just make me crave sugar."

Now that's progress. I could easily eat half a package of Oreo cookies, I know, I've done it before. I just finished my oatmeal, and I feel satisfied and I won't live to regret it. Now, let's go finish watching foodie and go to sleep.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

September 12th

Just returned from an afternoon jog and I'm enjoying a peach smoothie. The weather is great, nice breeze, low humidity, bright blue sky with a few puffy clouds. The sun is shining and it felt great to be out on the trail. It's been a while so I didn't jog the whole three miles, but no need to beat myself up over it. I enjoyed my stretch afterwards, it's become a very important part of exercise for me. During my teens and twenties I didn't see the importance of stretching after a workout, I wanted to get on with the next thing, but in the last couple of years stretching feels great after tearing up the muscles. I'm looking forward to my "Get Ripped" workout by Jari Love sometime tomorrow.

Yesterday I was pretty busy doing some organizing around the house and didn't eat as well. I'm needing to go to the grocery and I'm out of salad mix. It makes it hard to follow any program if you don't have "allowable" foods available. I didn't eat anything I wasn't supposed to, I just didn't eat, and that's not conducive to keeping a healthy metabolism.

In the evenings before bed I've been watching Diary of a foodie, season 1. I found it at the library and it's been fun to watch. Chefs growing their own food, coming up with exotic dishes and unique ways to prepare meals, and also talking about "slow food"

Better go for now, my daughter is asking for mother-daughter time.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Egypt isn't looking so good anymore

I am finally beginning to see some real changes here. I am beginning to think before I cram stuff into my mouth. If it is not an "allowable" food I remind myself of how I feel after eating it. The taste just isn't worth it anymore. Whenever I eat wheat products I tend to get bloated, something I didn't notice until I wasn't eating it anymore and then had some.

The good for life menus are really helping to keep things interesting and stress free; each week has new and exciting meals and a grocery list. I don't have to sit down and figure out what we are going to eat, and make a list. It also makes wandering around the grocery store unnecessary.

This weekend we had some really great meals, and even dessert. The dessert was a fruit pizza, no wheat and no sugar and we all loved it. It was so wonderful to eat the dessert and know that I wasn't cheating or falling off the wagon.

The way I used to eat is no longer desirable to me. The cravings, the never satisfied feeling, the guity feeling. The bloated, stuffed stomach feeling.