Sunday, September 12, 2010

September 12th

Just returned from an afternoon jog and I'm enjoying a peach smoothie. The weather is great, nice breeze, low humidity, bright blue sky with a few puffy clouds. The sun is shining and it felt great to be out on the trail. It's been a while so I didn't jog the whole three miles, but no need to beat myself up over it. I enjoyed my stretch afterwards, it's become a very important part of exercise for me. During my teens and twenties I didn't see the importance of stretching after a workout, I wanted to get on with the next thing, but in the last couple of years stretching feels great after tearing up the muscles. I'm looking forward to my "Get Ripped" workout by Jari Love sometime tomorrow.

Yesterday I was pretty busy doing some organizing around the house and didn't eat as well. I'm needing to go to the grocery and I'm out of salad mix. It makes it hard to follow any program if you don't have "allowable" foods available. I didn't eat anything I wasn't supposed to, I just didn't eat, and that's not conducive to keeping a healthy metabolism.

In the evenings before bed I've been watching Diary of a foodie, season 1. I found it at the library and it's been fun to watch. Chefs growing their own food, coming up with exotic dishes and unique ways to prepare meals, and also talking about "slow food"

Better go for now, my daughter is asking for mother-daughter time.

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