Monday, September 13, 2010

Oreos or Oatmeal

Laying in bed watching Diary of a Foodie and wanting to drift off to sleep, but my stomach is roaring at me, "feed me". I head to the kitchen but I'm to tired to make anything, so I go back to bed. My stomach keeps nagging at me. I reflect on what I've eaten today: Egg salad on toast for breakfast and milk, almond butter sandwich for lunch, protein smoothie after my workout, grilled chicken and vegetables for supper. Not the greatest assortment, but I'm still needing to get to the store and I'm completely out of salad mix and fruit. I probably haven't eaten enough today, so this hunger is real.

Back to the kitchen, and I find some leftover oatmeal, so I mix in some walnuts, frozen blackberries (the very last ones, like 5), raw milk, agave syrup. As I was heating it up on the stove I noticed Oreo cookies on the top shelf of the pantry, "nah, they won't hit the spot...they'll just make me crave sugar."

Now that's progress. I could easily eat half a package of Oreo cookies, I know, I've done it before. I just finished my oatmeal, and I feel satisfied and I won't live to regret it. Now, let's go finish watching foodie and go to sleep.

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