Wednesday, September 15, 2010


So, after my workout on Monday I felt fine, but sometime Tuesday afternoon I started developing a headache, and if you know me, I get a lot of headaches and they consume me. I took some hydrocodone and hubby helped with the kids so I could try to relax and fall asleep. I woke up this morning, and was so rudely greeted by my headache. "This is not the way to start a day."

When you feel crummy, eating healthy isn't usually on the forefront of your mind, getting rid of your ailment and feeling better in the meantime are most important.
A breakdown of what I ate today, 3 grands biscuits with butter and syrup and milk, a smoothie, 6 Oreo cookies ( I would have eaten more, but there were only 3). 2 sugar cookies from the deli, and frozen pizza (I don't know how many slices, probably to many).

So, what does this mean: It means we all have bad days. I can sum this up as a bad day and start anew tomorrow. This is a lifestyle change for me, and I need to work on a solution to making my "sick days" healthy too. It has been a learning experience for me, letting me know that when things get "rough" I have trouble pulling through and revert back to old tendencies.

I plan on coming up with a back-up plan and a stash of healthy quick foods for those times that I am sick or don't have time to make a healthy meal.

I also think with the help of my massage therapist I have pin-pointed the culprit of my headache. Before strength training my upper body I am not warming up the muscles and so then as I work the muscles they aren't ready and I end up hurting them. The shoulder and neck muscles end up tightening and then cause my headache. So the next time I do my strength training I'm going to warm up the upper body.

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