I am finally beginning to see some real changes here. I am beginning to think before I cram stuff into my mouth. If it is not an "allowable" food I remind myself of how I feel after eating it. The taste just isn't worth it anymore. Whenever I eat wheat products I tend to get bloated, something I didn't notice until I wasn't eating it anymore and then had some.
The good for life menus are really helping to keep things interesting and stress free; each week has new and exciting meals and a grocery list. I don't have to sit down and figure out what we are going to eat, and make a list. It also makes wandering around the grocery store unnecessary.
This weekend we had some really great meals, and even dessert. The dessert was a fruit pizza, no wheat and no sugar and we all loved it. It was so wonderful to eat the dessert and know that I wasn't cheating or falling off the wagon.
The way I used to eat is no longer desirable to me. The cravings, the never satisfied feeling, the guity feeling. The bloated, stuffed stomach feeling.
I'm so glad you're enjoying Good Life Menus! Sometimes I wonder, when I plan them, if people are going to like what's on the menus. I'm thrilled you're doing well and your family is liking the food as well! And I love your connection with Randy Stonehill's So You Wanna Go Back to Egypt song. Perfect!